Marriage Is All About Compromises
This is like the mullet of wedding cakes, business in the front, party in the back. But maybe that is why it is the perfect marriage meme, as it shows the multiple sides and facets to married life.

This couple had to compromise on their cake design so they could both get the wedding cake of their dreams.
Slow WiFi Is The Devil
You don't really know a person till you see how they react to malfunctioning technology and slow internet.

It can tell you a lot about how someone will deal with other frustrating situations through your life. So if you want a getting married funny meme, this is the perfect one to share for a laugh and also as a warning.
"What Did You Just Say?"
There is always one person in a couple who has to have the last word in every argument.

They act like you can't hear what they said under their breath, but you know it was something that could keep the argument going for days. Most of the memes on this list are targeted towards the woman, but this is a marriage meme for him. He should know that this is exactly what is going through his wife’s mind when he mumbles something under his breath at the end of an argument.
Send Help
When it comes to buying tampons or any feminine product, men are absolutely clueless. Women have the same problem when it comes to buying car oil.

There are so many types of oil for different purposes, and it is confusing. Some of us don't even know where the oil goes.
"Is This Poisoned?"
When you know your wife loves you, but you always have this secret fear that she is trying to slowly poison you because you watch too many true crime documentaries.

You never really know if that wink is a clue that there is something in the coffee or she is just playful. It's always a guessing game. Welcome to married life and the world of funny marriage memes…especially for him. Every husband who has a wife that watches true crime documentaries will understand this fear.
Over It Vs. Still In The Honeymoon Phase
In every relationship, there is a honeymoon phase that lasts for a few months, and then you get used to the fact that you will be with your partner for life, and the feeling wears off. This funny getting married meme shows the difference between a just married couple and one that has been together for years.

Once you are past the honeymoon phase, you stop being so lovey-dovey 24/7, and you turn into William and Kate.
Put The Laundry In The Dryer
If you could learn one lesson from this text exchange between a husband and wife, it would be to make sure you complete the tasks your wife asked you to do.

If you don't, you might get cursed out for not putting the wet clothes in the dryer. An angry wife does not equal a happy life.
Best Or Worst Decision Of Her Life
You can't judge anyone's choices if they chose to marry you because then you are questioning why they married you as is explained by this funny marriage meme, exemplified by a cute duck.

It may be one of the best or worst decisions she made, but she still made it and you have to agree with her choices always.
The Dramatics Of It All
Ahh, the memes that have been created surrounding the concept of a man-cold are only exemplified in the world of marriage memes. Sometimes in relationships, men can be more dramatic when it comes to being sick. The slightest cold will have them bed-ridden for days.

On the other hand, women tend to power through while still handling the cooking, cleaning, and taking the children to school.
"Did You Say Food?"
There is one sure way to get your wife to stop being mad at you, and that is to offer her food. She can't be mad when you have food, as is proved by the cute little piggy in this funny marriage meme.

It works even better if you are offering her favorite food. Always have that on hand when you get into a fight.
Get The Receipts
Never and we repeat never say to your wife that you never said something. You can be almost guarantee that she has a list of things you said cataloged in her brain.

She will not be afraid to go through her files of dumb things you might have said to find the receipts for the conversation. Although this might seem just like a funny getting married meme, it is actually very much accurate.
Your Wife Is Always Right
When your wife tells you how to do something, but you ignore her and do it your way, then it doesn't end up working because she was right in the first place.

You could have saved your time and just listened to your wife in the first place. This is less of a funny marriage meme and more of a much needed PSA for newly married men.
"I'm Not Done Being Mad"
In a marriage, there are going to be fights and arguments because nothing is perfect. When your partner is mad, you need to give them space to cool off, or you might end up like this terrified dog in this funny marriage meme.

If you prematurely try to hug them when they are mad, you might make them angrier. Learning the right timing is essential in marriages.
"My Husband Is Basically An Extension Of Me"
Usually, your husband is your best friend, so you are used to telling them everything. You even tell them the secrets your friends tell you.

Your friends might think that you aren't going to tell your husband, but how can you not tell him? He is the best person to come home and gossip with.
Wait For It...
You may have thought high school, college, and starting a career were difficult until you got married and had kids. However, the truth has been revealed in this funny marriage meme. As can be seen here, nothing is more difficult than married life and children.

Although marriage and having children is a joyous time in people's lives, it also comes with trials and tribulations.
Women Remember Everything
Choose your words carefully when you are talking to your wife about things that might upset her.

You never know when those words are going to be brought up again and could be used against you. This is an important marriage meme for him (the husband) to remember.
"Wow, Good For You!"
As the person who does all the dishes in the house, you might be unimpressed when someone else does them one time.

Although, your husband thinks that he deserves a medal for doing the dishes once every six months.
You Can't Help But Love Him
When you marry the right person, it is hard to stay mad at them for a long time because you know they didn't mean to upset you.

You also realize that sometimes you overreact because it happens to everyone from time to time.
Why Is It So Difficult?
Why is it that when people get married they suddenly forget how to place things in a laundry basket.

Is that skill suddenly forgotten when people say their vows? It is right there, yet the clothes always end up next to the basket. This meme perfectly sums up one of the biggest frustrations in married life.
Will The Wife Allow It?
When you get married, you should know that your wife is the ruler now and you must respect her by asking for permission to go out with your single friends. Some people may have a hard time adjusting to this new life, but as can be seen in this just married meme, the wife makes the final decision at the end and usually the husband just has to adjust.

Even if you are not asking, you should at least tell her so she knows where you are at all times of the day.
"I've Dealt With Worse Things"
The wrath of a scorned woman is much more powerful than a tornado. You should be much more afraid of your angry wife than a natural disaster. This most likely is not a just married meme, but a long-time veteran husband meme. He knows that it is not worth it to miss the chore of mowing the lawn.

You do not want to get on her bad side because it will not be pretty, and you will not survive.
A Happy Wife Is All That Matters
In marriage the important thing a husband should remember is that his wife's happiness also affects his happiness.

If she is not happy, her husband will not be happy, and no one wants that. Out of all the getting married memes out there, this one may be the most accurate.
"I Am The Mother Of Dragons"
After a long day of food being thrown at you, dirty diapers, paint on the walls, and playing in the mud, you feel like you have been taming dragons.

Then your husband comes home and dares to ask you how the kids were, and you look like you have been through war and back.
"You Want To Know What's Wrong With Me?"
"It took you two days to notice I was giving passive aggressive signals that I was mad, and now you finally ask what is wrong with me? I'll tell you what's wrong..."

You better beware because it is about to be the longest rant you have ever heard. It has built up for two days, and that is a lot of time to come up with things that are wrong.
Married Life Be Like...
What is married life really like? If you ask the person in this marriage meme, you might be scared off from it forever. When your wife is mad at you, so you take some time to let her cool off and go out of the house, sometimes you can't think of anywhere to go, so you just sit outside for a while.

This is also how men look when they are waiting on the designated bench while their wives take hours to try on clothes.
Smile For The Public
You can be fighting with your husband for hours, but when you go in public it seems like it is only smiles.

Sometimes it is the other way around, but usually, you keep the fighting behind closed doors.
Dating Vs. Married
When you are dating, people like to leave a little bit to the imagination and not say exactly what is on their mind, especially when it comes to bodily functions.

Then when you are married, people will tell their partners anything and everything, so nothing is off-limits. Welcome to the world of just married memes versus married for twenty years memes.
Men With Mommy Issues
Some women like when men need them a lot, and sometimes it is weird. It is like Howard from The Big Bang Theory who lives with his mom until marriage.

There is always a moment in those relationships where the woman realizes she is married to a giant baby.
Pick And Choose Your Battles
Here is another tip for married couples, know when to let the argument end. There are times when it is not worth it to keep the argument going, and it is ok to just let it die.

You might feel that saying something is important to the conversation but think twice before it comes out of your mouth.
Open Your Ears
There is nothing more annoying than telling your husband that something and explaining it thoroughly only for him to have not heard a word you said.

Everything goes in one ear and out the other, and things have to be explained multiple times before the information is understood.
Some Relationships End Quicker Than Others
We all know that one couple that seemed to move quickly, and as soon as they were engaged and married, they broke up.

It doesn't always work out for every couple, but that's why it is important to get to know someone before jumping into something very serious.
"Yes, I may be crazy, but what does that make you for marrying me? The answer is even crazier."

If you marry someone you know is crazy, you are not the one to talk since you knew what you were getting into and still got married.
"Stay Away From My Food"
Some couples can share their food, and it is civilized, while other couples are like Joey from Friends and will not give you even a bite.

You might try to take some of your partner's fries, but beware of a slap on the hand when you get close to their plate.
"What Are We Fighting About?"
There is always that one point in a dumb argument where you both look at each other and realize you don't even remember why the fight began.

You could have been fighting for hours and then realize it was all for nothing. It happens to everyone, don't worry.
"Don't Even Get Me Started."
After receiving a 5,000-word essay, she will probably still say nothing is wrong the next time you feel like she is angry.

Why be straight-forward about your feelings when you can bottle them up until they explode out of you.
There Are Two Types Of People In The World
We don't know anyone who keeps their toothpaste like the tube on the left, but it would be a good reason to have a separate one.

How could anyone leave the tube all crusted like that? Don't be that person.
Ice Cold
There is something about women's feet at night that makes them turn into icicles, and then they have to put them on their partner's body to warm up.

Your husband might be about to fall asleep and once he feels those ice-cold feet he is wide awake. This marriage meme could not have summed up married life in a more perfect way.
"What's Going On?"
Most of the time, men don't even know why their wives are angry because they don't realize when they did something wrong.

Also, women like to say "nothing" when their husbands ask if everything is ok.
Big Event Coming Up
After being married for a while, small things become exciting like the ham expiring. It's the little things that get you through the week.

You better mark your calendars because Friday's dinner will be ham.
Good Question
Statistically, most marriages do end in divorce, and many people know the odds before getting married.

While it may seem bleak, some people really love each other enough to make that life-long commitment and stick with it. However, don’t let these funny marriage memes convince you to be skeptical of marriage. They’re not all bad!
It may seem like married life is quite challenging when you look at these funny marriage memes. That may be the case, as everything in life has its challenges, but at least with a list of funny memes like this, you can enjoy the laughter together with other people who have had similar experiences.
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