While many things distract us on the internet, it can also be a source of beneficial information. It might surprise you, but the internet can actually save lives if you read the right things. We rounded up the most useful life-saving tips to help you out in times of need. Read on for tips that could actually save your life!
If A Room Smells Like Fish, Check The Outlets And Unplug Everything
Electrical fires can destroy homes because of faulty wiring or bad appliances. It seems like they happen out of nowhere, but regular checks and maintenance can help prevent these life-threatening events.
There are warning signs to look for before an electrical fire, such as a fishy odor in the room when no one is cooking fish. Circuits emit this smell when they overheat, leading to a fire. If you notice this, unplug everything, especially where the smell is coming from, to prevent a disaster.
Cyanide Smells Like Roasted Almonds
Sometimes, unusual smells are indicators that there is dangerous material in the area. From gas leaks and poisons to other materials that can cause illnesses, certain smells can determine what the problem is.
If you are in a closed room, and it starts to smell like roasted almonds, but there aren't roasted almonds in the area, you need to get out. This is actually what cyanide smells like, and could be a sign of possible poisoning. Cyanide is extremely dangerous, and you also should call poison control.
3 Famous Songs Have The Right Beat For CPR
CPR requires some knowledge because compressions need to be done at a certain rate. Some people do compressions too slow, which might not save the victim's life because the CPR will be ineffective.
To perform compressions properly, follow the beat for the chorus of one of three songs, including "Stayin' Alive," by the Bee Gees, Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust," or "Nelly the Elephant" by Toy Dolls. Press down with each beat to keep the correct pace.
Better To Be Safe Than Sorry
While you might think your chances of seeing a polar bear are slim because most people think they only live in Antarctica, polar bears have actually been found in Northern Canada. Even if it isn't a polar bear, knowing what to do in the event of an animal attack is important.
For example, if you encounter a polar bear, you should take off your clothes as you run away. While this might seem strange, the bear will get distracted and stop to sniff the clothing, giving you time to get away.
Drive Safe And Prevent Your Windshield From Freezing
If you live in a cold place, you are probably used to waking up early before work to scrape the ice off your windshield. Sometimes it can be a pain to remove, especially if you are running late and the ice is too hard to scrape off.
Instead of struggling with your windshield, rub a raw onion on the glass the night before, and you won't have to worry about an ice-covered window in the morning. This will save you time, energy and reduce your risk of an accident because you can't see through the window.
If There Is A Metallic Taste In A Pool Get Out Right Away
When you are swimming in a pool, you probably aren't trying to taste the water because it is filled with chemicals like chlorine. However, it gets in everyone's mouths at some point. If you are swimming and there is a metallic taste in the water, get out right away.
Metallic tastes can signify an electrical short in the water caused by the pool's electrical system. As most people know, electricity and water can be a deadly combination. Electrical shorts in the water can lead to serious injuries, and it's better to be safe than sorry.
If You Think You Are Having A Heart Attack, CHEW An Aspirin
While no one wants to think about having a heart attack, there are things people can do to prepare to be safe. If you start to feel chest pain, shortness of breath, and light-headedness, it could be a heart attack, so taking aspirin would be the best first step, but there is a correct way to take it.
If you or someone you know is having a heart attack, the aspirin must be chewed to be effective because it will get to the bloodstream faster. This can help it break up the potential blood clot, and the time saved by chewing it can save a person's life.
If A Tornado Looks Like It Is Not Moving, It Is Moving Toward You
There are places in the world where tornados are fairly common, but if you are not used to them, you might not know what to do. There are special shelters in the event of a tornado, but there are other ways to protect yourself if those aren't available to you.
If you happen to see a tornado outside, look to see which direction it is traveling. If it looks like it is staying in one place, it is moving towards you. By understanding where the tornado is moving, you can give yourself more time to get out of the way.
If The Water Goes Further Back Than You Have Ever Seen, Get To High Ground
When you go to the beach, the tide changes throughout the day so that the water might be closer or further away at different times. However, the tide can also tell you when a natural disaster is about to strike.
If you notice the tide suddenly go further back than normal, the best thing to do is get to high ground. Whenever the water recedes beyond where it usually would go, that could signify an impending tsunami.
Grease Fires Should Never Be Put Out With Water
One of the most common mishaps in the kitchen is grease fires. However, in a panic, most people don't know the proper way to put them out, and it can actually make the fire worse. People's first instinct is to throw water on them, but that is the last thing you would want to do.
Grease fires need to be suffocated, so use baking soda or another pan to deprive them of oxygen. Water has oxygen in it, so throwing water on a grease fire will make it rage out of control. Although it might be an intense situation, be sure to stay calm and follow this tip.
Don't Stare At The Sun Like Your Parents Said
Our parents always told us not to stare at the sun because it can damage our eyes, and they were right. The sun might be bright and beautiful, but it can hurt your eyes permanently and no one wants that.
People sometimes think it's safe to skip eye protection during an eclipse, but this is the time you have to be extra cautious. A sliver of sunshine can burn your retinas for life so that two-minute eclipse is surely not worth ruining your eyesight.
Never Sit With You Feet On The Dashboard
Many passengers put their feet on the dashboard during long car rides because it is comfortable. However, this can be very dangerous in the event of an accident.
The airbags are in the dashboard, and if they deploy while someone has their feet up, they can cause serious injuries. People can get broken legs, hip fractures, or even die because of this. Although it might not be as comfortable, keep your legs on the ground.
Knowing SOS Can Save You
While knowing morse code is not essential unless it is part of your job, everyone should know one crucial code if they are in danger. SOS was mostly used by ships in distress, but it is now common for people to know.
Just in case you are ever in danger and can't call for help, knowing the SOS morse code can help you. It is three dots, three dashes, and another three dots. It's simple and easy to commit to memory.
Always Write The Year Fully When Signing A Legal Document
When you are signing and dating legal documents, you are probably used to writing MM/DD/YY instead of writing the full year. People might write 21 as an abbreviation for 2021, but that is incorrect.
To protect your legal documents, make sure to write the full year because if you don't, other people can edit the date on your papers. It takes an extra second to add the two additional numbers to the date, and it can save you a headache.
Living Through A Lightning Strike
Lightning is not only scary, but it is also dangerous. Lightning can cause disaster in just seconds, so it is best to know what to do to avoid getting severely injured.
The best way to protect yourself is to crouch down close to the ground, cover your ears, and make sure the only thing touching the ground is the balls of your feet. This pose protects you because lightning usually strikes the tallest objects, and it also protects your hearing from loud thunder.
Make Sure Your Dog's Paws Are Protected In The Winter
If you live in a place that is frequented by snow and ice, you know that walkways and roads can be dangerous. Most places salt the roads and sidewalks to help people avoid accidents, but that can be harmful to our furry friends.
The chemicals in salt used to prevent ice on roads and walkways are harmful to animals. Every time you take your animals outside, make sure to thoroughly clean their paws when they come inside or have them wear booties. This can prevent your pets from getting very sick.
If There Is A Flood, Always Take The Stairs
Flash floods are more common than people think, and they can be terrifying if you are trapped somewhere. In a state of shock, you might panic and not know what to do, but being prepared can prevent that from happening.
If you live in a building or happen to be in a building with many floors, it might seem faster to take an elevator. However, flooding can cause electrical damage, and the elevator can get stuck. Therefore, it's always better to take the stairs in case of an emergency.
Don't Put Peppermint Oil On A Tick Bite
There are so many hacks on the internet to help you make life easier, but not all of them should be followed, especially when they are health-related hacks. You have to be careful what advice you follow, and this one should definitely be avoided.
There was a viral video of a woman putting peppermint oil on a tick bite, but this is not good for you. If you experience a tick or insect bite, it is better to follow professional medical advice to remove the insect. Oils make ticks salivate more, and this puts you at a higher risk for Lyme disease.
An Interior Basement Is The Best Place To Be During A Tornado
"It's a twister. It's a twister!" Tornados are deadly and destructive, which is why places that have a lot of tornados have special shelters to go into. It is crucial to take shelter when there is a tornado, and the safest place to be is an interior basement or storm shelter.
An interior basement is at least partially underground, which can protect you from the storm's force. It is essential to stay underground until the tornado has passed and the storm has calmed down before assessing the damage.
If Your Car Is Sinking Use The Headrest To Break The Window
Car accidents happen every day, and sadly they can turn fatal very easily. One scenario that usually happens in TV or films is a car sinking in a body of water. The person might swerve off a bridge or roll into a lake, and people don't know what to do when those situations happen in real life.
If you ever find yourself in this situation, take the seat's headrest and use it to break the window so you can swim to the surface. While the chances of this happening are slim, it's better to know what to do instead of panicking.
If Someone Is Shivering And They Suddenly Get Warm Enough To Take Off Their Jacket, Don't Let Them
In very cold places, hypothermia can quickly happen to anyone without warm enough clothing. Being exposed to freezing temperatures can turn fatal if you are not safe and shouldn't be left untreated.
Mild hypothermia is when someone feels cold, but that changes as it progresses. Severe hypothermia causes people to experience "paradoxical undressing,' meaning they take off their clothes even though they are freezing because they suddenly feel hot. This can cause them to freeze to death, so someone should make sure they keep their clothes on.
Do CPR On Flat Surfaces
If you find someone in cardiac arrest while they are lying in bed, you should immediately start CPR. However, you have to take the person out of bed and lie them on the floor first to ensure the CPR will be effective.
If you do compressions on someone while they are on a mattress, the force will be absorbed by the bed rather than the person's chest. The force needs to go to the heart for CPR to save someone successfully.
Don't Answer Calls From Unknown Callers
While it might seem obvious to ignore calls from unknown numbers, some people answer anyway, and they end up getting scammed. Identity theft happens to one in every 20 Americans, and as we rely more on technology, it is easier for scammers to take advantage of people.
While you might be curious to answer that unknown number, try to resist it because it is often a scam. Some scammers even use technology to make it seem like a local number is calling you. So if you have never seen the number before, don't answer.
Be Safe During Flood Clean Up
Not only is flood water filthy, but it is filled with hazardous materials. Between animal waste and cleaning products picked up by the floodwater, it is not something you want to walk through without special protection.
If you are cleaning up a flooded area, make sure to wear protective clothing. Boots, gloves, and goggles will protect you from contracting diseases from the floodwater. It is also important to thoroughly sanitize these items to prevent bringing germs back into your home.
Follow The Birds To Find Water When You Are Lost
If you are lost in the wilderness, finding drinkable water is one of the most important steps. It can be difficult if you are not an experienced outdoor person, but following the birds is the best way to keep yourself safe.
In the morning, birds fly directly to water, so following them will likely lead you to a body of water. They fly to their nests in the evening; therefore, if it is getting dark and you need water, go in the opposite direction of the birds. Staying hydrated will keep you alert and awake until you can get help.
A Crayon Can Burn For 30 Minutes In An Emergency
Besides entertaining children, most people wouldn't think that crayons can come in handy in an emergency. If a storm makes the power go out, it is helpful to have a way of making light so you can see. You might think it's silly, but keep a pack of crayons in your emergency kit.
Apparently, burning a crayon can give you enough light for thirty minutes. This way, you won't have to waste your phone battery using the flashlight, and with a large box of crayons, you will have enough light for an entire evening.
Call A Professional If Your Garage Door Breaks
There are many ways you can fix things with DIY solutions around your home, but some things should be left to professionals. This applies to things like the garage door, which can cause injuries if you aren't trained to fix it.
Garage doors have large springs that can cause serious injuries or death if your hand or clothing gets wrapped inside them. They are wound tightly and spin fast as they contract, so it is best to leave this to someone who knows what they are doing.
What To Do If You Are Choking And Alone
If you live alone, the thought of choking and having no one to help you can scare anyone. If someone is choking around other people, a person can do the Heimlich maneuver, but that isn't possible if you are alone.
Suppose there is no one around to help you when you are choking; use a chair or corner of a sofa to assist with stomach thrusts. By leaning over a chair, you can get the blockage out of your throat before choking to death.
This Is Why People Wear Orange On A Job Site
Have you ever wondered why it is required to wear those hideous orange vests on a job site? Workplace safety is important, especially when heavy machinery is involved because fatal accidents can occur. That's why the blaze orange vests are essential.
The bright orange color makes you visible to everyone, preventing unnecessary accidents. While they may not be the most fashionable, it doesn't matter because they will make you visible all the time.
Keep Your Smoke Detector Up To Date
Fire alarms have saved many lives because they alert us in the earliest stages of a fire giving us time to put it out or get somewhere safe. However, if people don't do regular maintenance on them, they won't be effective or protective.
Smoke alarms should be checked yearly to make sure the batteries are working, and they need to be completely replaced every ten years. Each alarm has a date on it that determines when you need to change them to keep you and your family safe.
Poisonous Snakes Are Smaller Than You Think
If you aren't afraid of snakes, you must be a courageous soul. One of the dangers in nature is the possibility of animal or insect bites. Bites from snakes are common, and depending on the kind of snake, they can be fatal if not treated immediately.
The best way to avoid snake bites is to stay alert. Keep your eyes peeled for things moving on the ground because poisonous snakes can be tiny. Also, if you are in a place where snakes are common, wear high socks and hiking boots to protect the areas a snake could bite.
Keep A 3-Foot Safety Zone Around A Working Grill
Grilling is a fun activity in the summer because the food tastes great, and it's an excellent way to gather friends for a meal outside. However, grills are hazardous if you aren't careful because they involve open flames that put others at risk.
Therefore, it is important to know the safety rules when grilling. Make sure your grill is at least three feet from any structure in your yard, like trees, cars, and the home. Grill fires can quickly spread, and that distance gives you time to put it out.
Brown Coconuts Can Cause Dehydration
Coconuts are often depicted as a way to hydrate yourself because they have water in the middle. However, not all coconuts are suitable to drink from, so it is good to know which ones are safe.
You shouldn't use brown coconuts for the liquid inside them. The oil inside brown coconuts can cause significant dehydration if consumed. Stick to green coconuts for water. However, brown coconut husks are flammable and repel mosquitos.
Red Kidney Beans Are Poisonous If Not Prepared Correctly
Although they are an everyday food item, you never know when things could be deadly. Red kidney beans are a staple in some people's diets, but they can be poisonous if not prepared correctly.
Dry red kidney beans contain a toxin that will cause serious illness if you ingest it. To safely prepare them, boil the beans for ten minutes and drain them before cooking them however you like. This step is important to prevent severe abdominal pains, nausea, and vomiting.
You Don't Have To Pay To Call 911 From A Payphone
While payphones are becoming scarce because everyone has a cellphone now, there are a few around in case of emergencies. If you need to call 911 or whatever the emergency number is in your country, don't worry about scrambling for loose change.
When calling an emergency hotline from a payphone, it is always free. All phones in the United States are equipped to contact 911 without paying or even if the phone isn't in service with a carrier.
What To Do If You Fall During A Stampede
While you might think that stampedes of people are rare, they can still happen. There have been a few deadly ones on the news recently, and people need to know what to do to protect themselves in the event of one.
If you fall during a stampede and can't get up quickly, assume a protective position with your hands covering your head and your feet tucked up. Try to face the direction people are running in so you don't get kicked in the head, and get back on your feet as quickly as possible.
The Best Way To Light A Match In The Wind
Fire is essential when you are camping or out in the wilderness because it provides light, a place to cook, and warmth. However, lighting a match when it is windy is one of the most frustrating and tricky things to accomplish.
A tip to make lighting the match easier is to cut the wood into a Christmas tree shape so that the match will stay lit even when the wind is blowing. This will give you more time to light the fire, and you will waste fewer matches.
Freeze Water Bottles To Prepare For A Hurricane So The Fridge Stays Cold
Hurricane prep can be very stressful because shelves at the store are emptied within hours, grocery store lines are insane, and you might not get all the supplies you need. It is best to keep essentials like water on hand during hurricane season, so you aren't scrambling at the last minute.
Usually, hurricanes cause power outages, so it's best to keep water in the freezer at all times. Then, when there is a hurricane, and the power goes out, you can move the frozen water bottles into the fridge to keep it cooler for a longer time.
Crushed Termites Can Be Used As Insect Repellent
Mosquito bites have to be the most irritating thing about being in nature, and we honestly don't know why mosquitos even exist. If you are in an area with termites, this trick will help you with those pesky bloodsuckers in the event of an emergency.
There have been many survival situations where people don't have insect repellent but need it. Therefore if you are near termites, crush them up and use them as a repellent. They are also edible if you are in a life or death situation and need a good source of protein.
How To Cross A River Safely
Crossing a river might be inevitable in the wild, but it can be dangerous and possibly deadly if you don't know the right or safest way to do so.
The trick to figuring out if it is even safe to cross is to throw a stick in first. If the stick moves too fast, it is not safe to cross. Also if you cannot see the bottom, throw a stone in the river to see how deep it is.
Determine How Much Daylight Is Left
When you are camping or if you are stuck in the wilderness, you need to know when the sun will set, so you have time to set up your camp. Roaming through the forest is dangerous when it's dark, and there is an easy way to determine how much sunlight you have left.
Line your hand up with the horizon and get it as parallel as possible. Then stack your hands on top of each other and continue until your hands just cover the bottom of the sun. Make sure to count how many hands it takes because that tells you the number of hours till sunset.
When Going Into The Woods, Mark The Trees
We have heard of people in fairytales leaving a trail of candy as they go into the woods so that they can find their way home. While it might seem silly, the idea wasn't bad. When you go into the woods, be sure to bring chalk so you can mark the trees along your path.
Instead of getting lost or wandering around in circles, this will help you know which way you came from. You can also mark the trees with arrows of the direction you came from to make it even easier.
Makeshift Compass
If you are lost in the wilderness and don't have a compass, there is a way to make one on the spot. A makeshift compass can be created with magnetized metal like a needle. To magnetize it, rub the needle on hair or fur about 100 times.
Then place the needle on a leaf that can float on water and make sure there is no wind moving it. The needle should start to point north-south, but be sure to keep other metal objects away from this because it can cause it to be wrong.
Removing Foreign Bodies From Wounds
There are plenty of germs and bacteria in nature that are harmful to our bodies. If you or someone you are with hurts themselves and there is a foreign body left in the wound, do not remove it until you can get medical help.
By leaving the object in the wound, you are preventing it from bleeding too much, and it prevents other bacteria from infecting the cut. Hopefully, it is a situation where you are able to call emergency services.
Making Fire
As we have mentioned already, fire is important for warmth, cooking, and light. However, if you don't have matches, you might think that there isn't a way to start a fire, but that would be wrong.
This tip has been used by many survivalists, and all you need is a battery and a chewing gum wrapper. Twist the wrapper and put it on both ends of the batter to create a flame. Before you do this, make sure you have the kindle set up to create a bigger campfire.