If you haven't given much thought to your license plate, you're not alone. For most of us, it's just something that comes with the car, a random combination of numbers and letters that maybe we'll remember. But some people put so much thought into theirs that other drivers can't help but snap a picture to keep it in their memories forever. Although that is not always the case, everyone can appreciate a funny and creative license plate, and this list has some of the craziest and funny license plates you will ever see. So buckle up and get ready for a hilarious ride through these punny and sometimes downright inappropriate license plates.
Some Internalized Self-Hatred
Everyone loves a good ol' Volkswagen Beetle. They are a beloved little vehicle to be seen on the streets and have been the inspiration behind one or two good road trip games for people around the world. So this driver decided to make his bug stand out even more than the others with this unique and funny license plate that reads, "Eew a Bug." We love a good pun.
There is hardly a person who would see this that wouldn't at least crack a grin after understanding the joke. Or at least we hope so.
One Point for Vlad
If you are going to get an Impala car and have the name of the car written right across the back of it, you might as well take advantage of the chance, make a joke out of the situation, and turn it into a clever license plate. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Impala? Apparently, these people thought of Vlad the Impaler, also known as Vlad Dracula.
Vlad the Impaler was responsible for the deaths of over 80,000 people in his lifetime. Hopefully, this car is extremely safe and doesn't do any harm despite the silly name!
The Funeral Car Has a Message for You
Imagine you are driving behind this hearse, which clearly has a coffin in the back of it. It's a nice, sunny day. You're in a great mood. And then, all of a sudden, you happen to take a peek at the license plate of the car in front of you—big mistake. As you can see, the car seems to have a dismal and disturbing message for you. "You are next." Some people may see this as a funny license plate and others might see it as a crazy license plate.
This hearse driver clearly has a very dark sense of humor. There aren't many people who would think of this and find it funny, to top it off. Perhaps that is his way of keeping his spirits up despite the difficult job,
A Rock and Roll Kind of Car
It certainly took some planning and smart thinking to be able to create a license plate that could successfully spell out "Metallica" while also utilizing the design that came with the car. Someone is a true metal fan and wants to show that to the world! This took more effort than previous plates as the person had to get a customized license plate that said "ET4LLIC" and then add the "M" and the "A" themselves.
The combination of the black car with the red headlights and the white lettering also makes the perfect creation for a metal rock fan. All appreciators of heavy metal will certainly love this creative license plate
A Timeless Masterpiece
If you could describe perfection, it would probably be this photo. Someone who is lucky enough to have this genuinely timeless vehicle wanted the whole world to know and appreciate how truly timeless it is. What is the best way to do that? Get a license plate that clearly describes what you are feeling and want to share with the world. Now everyone can understand and appreciate the truth thanks to this cool car tag.
This car is really a unique piece of art. For those of you who might not know, it's the same car in the famous 1985 movie Back to the Future.
Almost Too Disturbing to Be Funny
Walking up to this car parked outside of a hotel in Germany, you might think that this is meant to be a practical joke. With its crazy license plate that looks just like the word "snake," the car also has a very long, tongue-looking ribbon hanging out of the front bumper. It looks just like the tongue of a slithering snake, and we love that someone put that much thought into their car's character.
Do you think the people took advantage of the strange license plate and decided to make a joke out of it, or did they choose the license plate first because they love snakes?
When the Car Laughs in Your Face
There is nothing worse than driving through traffic, running behind, and getting cut off by a recklessly driving driver. The only possible thing that could make the situation better is looking at the car's license plate that committed this terrible act. When you see that they have written "Muahaha" across the back, you can't help but smile and understand that they can do whatever they want with that license plate on the back.
This car literally does whatever it wants and then laughs right in your face afterward. In the end, you will probably also end up laughing when you see it. Or you will hate this car even more. They know that they do not really have to take responsibility for their actions thanks to this clever license plate.
A Tired Pun Intended
There could not be a more fitting license plate, label, and identification for this car. There is a car carrying piles and piles of tires with the license plate that says "Tired." It is both tired of carrying all of the tires and quite literally tired at the same time. What a genius move and an incredible photographic capture. You can't help but appreciate this comical and fitting moment in the history of license plates.
Which came first in this situation? Did the owners of this vehicle know that it would be predominantly used to transport tires and therefore give it such a fitting license plate? We may never know, but that does not make this license plate any less funny!
No Need to Brag
There's nothing worse than a show-off. And in this case, that show-off is this car. Everyone struggles with fitting in parking spots in the city, except for this car, it seems. It is so small and compact that it can fit in almost all of the parking spots, especially the ones that most cars don't have a chance to fit in. Beyond just fitting right in perfectly, they then chose to brag about it to everyone around.
It is both funny and annoying that this car can fit in all the small spaces. Although people are certainly jealous, it's also convenient since they don't take up a big space that someone else could use. But there was really no need to rub their fitness in our faces.
Anyone Believe This Guy Is Actually Evil?
In case you were wondering, this car, which is so incredibly expensive, is also apparently evil. So much so that the owners of the vehicle felt the need to emphasize that to the entire world by writing it on their license plate and choosing a red license plate on top of that (it looks like the plain white background was not dramatic enough for them). What exactly is so evil about this car, except for the crazy license plate?
They don't look very evil as they give some money to this person in need. The evilest part about this car is that they have to lift the entire door just to give some money! It seems like this crazy license plate is more of an ironic joke than a legitimately scary message.
They Just Couldn't Resist
There is no way this car driver just happened to end up with such a funny license plate. This was definitely planned and long sought after before becoming the label for this beloved car. After all, who wouldn't want a car to have the comical phrase "waaaasaaaaa" (albeit in different spelling) to remind them of the iconic Budweiser commercial from the Super Bowl years ago? The person driving this car is probably one pretty cool person with a great sense of humor.
Not to mention, it's also a pun of the name of the car: Saab. We wish we could see the genius owner of this car. Their creativity is certainly unmatched, as can be seen by this clever license plate with a triple pun.
You Are Excused
How can you not excuse the actions of this car after it has requested so politely to be excused? Imagine getting cut off or seeing the driver of this car do something stupid, only to then read their license plate, "escuzme," asking for your forgiveness. It is difficult not to do as they have requested and simply let the matter slide. After all, they asked so very nicely.
This car should get together with Muhahaha from a few pictures back. Imagine if they just cut each other off constantly as they were driving. What a sight it would be and what a funny combination of crazy license plates!
New Jersey and Beyond
To infinity and beyond! Or so says the famous Buzz Lightyear from Disney's Tor Story. This car, borrowing from the famous catchphrase, has decided to take things to a new level: to New Jersey and beyond. Although New Jersey isn't the most exciting place, perhaps that is why the joke is even funnier. Buzz Lightyear would be proud that his phrase has spread so far and wide, all the way to Jersey.
Hopefully, the drivers of this car will have lots of fun adventures and live up to the words written on their funny license plate. Although it is funny either way, they should travel quite a bit as well to make it all come together.
She Tried to Warn Us All
It was a bright and sunny morning. She got into her car to go to work, carrying a bowl of cereal with her because she was in a rush. She started driving and eating at the same time (not a great idea). One thing led to another, and the cereal fell into her lap, distracting her, and somehow the car flipped over entirely. Her license plate explained it all.
Everything was explained by the words written on her license plate: "clumsy." She was certainly quite clumsy that morning, to the point of risking her life. All jokes aside, we hope she's okay. With this crazy license plate, it’s hard to tell if that was fate, foreshadowing, or just extreme irony involved.
The Perfect Car for Someone Colorblind
If you could describe irony in one picture, perhaps you would use this. You are looking at possibly one of the most colorful cars in existence, and what is written on the license plate? Colorblind. Maybe the drivers of the car are trying to make a joke that the colors are actually quite ugly together and that no one in their right mind (unless they were colorblind) would ever choose these colors.
It is pretty funny, considering the irony. And the car is really cool. Although it might not suit everyone's taste, it certainly is fun and unique and has the most perfectly creative and funny license plate possible.
Adults Can Like Pokemon, Too
Imagine having enough money to buy a Ferrari. Instead of getting a normal color like black or blue or white, you choose to go with yellow; well, bright, neon yellow. And to take things one step further (as it is too hard to resist), you then get a special engraving on the license plate saying "Pikachu." This Pokemon fan certainly has some money to spare.
There is no denying that this car does look exactly like Pikachu. Even the angles and shapes very much resemble his face. It was an opportunity that could not be missed and the designers of this creative license plate chose not to miss out on it!
This Tesla Thinks It's Better Than the Rest of Us
This Tesla has no shame; it genuinely loves to mock its lesser, non environmentally friendly transportation competitors. With the license plate making fun of the use of gas with the words "oil lol," you can feel their superiority and contempt for fuel-driven vehicles. Maybe everyone should go electric and simply make fun of the oil industry in this way. But then again, we can't all afford a Tesla.
For many, having a Tesla is more than enough reason to hold your head a bit higher, but this car likes to brag about it even more with its teasing. Why not use your creativity on your license plate to make fun of all the lesser cars and drivers out there?
We Appreciate the Honesty
In case it wasn't clear enough by the driving, or the words that are written on the back of the car saying "driver in training" and "new driver," this license plate is an even clearer way to tell the world that the driver is not experienced. Who else would want a license plate that reads, "Noob?" This is brilliant as people tend to get frustrated with new drivers for not understanding the roads, but there may be some leniency thanks to this funny plate.
This is specifically for all the people who missed the many other warning signs on the car itself, telling people that this is a new driver. If you miss this one too, there is something wrong on your end! This is not just a funny license plate, this is a warning!
If You Get It, You Get It
Not everyone will understand why this is one of the most comical handicap license plates that could ever be created. For those who don't watch the adult cartoon show South Park, the popular series has a character named Timmy who uses a wheelchair. He usually pronounces his name in a long, drawn-out way that sounds more like "Timmaaa," as is written on the back of this car.
Although this may be a little bit of dark humor, it is certainly very clever. It's a shame that only South Park enthusiasts can understand how amazing and clever the reference on this license plate is.
Eat the Kids First
It's really difficult to understand whether this license plate was meant to be a funny joke or if it was a horribly comical mistake. Is it possible that these parents chose to write "Eat The" as their license plate and then add a small "kids first" underneath? They seem so kid-friendly with the painted, colorful handprint on the side of the license plate, but maybe we all got the wrong idea.
The funniest part is that the "kids first" is written in small letters, so not everyone will see it at first. Only those who truly look will notice the comical (yet disturbing) writing. That is the definition of a perfectly clever and funny license plate.
The Perfect Solution to the Rubix Cube
What is the point of getting a cube-shaped car if you can't make a funny pun out of it from time to time? This person couldn't resist comparing their perfectly square-shaped car to a Rubix cube, and there is no denying that it truly looks just like one. The only thing missing is all the different colors. Maybe they should paint the car into even smaller cubes to make it even funnier.
It's hard not to laugh a little bit at this person's cleverness. After all, why not make the license plate funny instead of just a regular combination of letters and numbers?
The License Plate With the Best Marketing
In case you were wondering what this company does, there is no need to look at the name or slogan or even the marketing all over the truck itself. You only need to look at the funny license plate to understand it all. What do they do? They clean out drains. What is their license plate? Poo 4 Eva. Regardless of how crude it is, you can't help but appreciate their creativity.
At least they don't take their job too seriously. They know what they are getting themselves into, and they decide to laugh about it by flaunting the words on a carefully and creatively thought out license plate.
Only in Canada
Only in Canada, the land of kindness and politeness, would you find a license plate with the word "sorry" written across it in big, bold print. It is both the most Canadian thing you will probably ever see and also something you will probably ONLY see in Canada. You can even hear the sound of the Canadian accent saying "sorry" when you simply look at this license plate. It could not be a clearer, more ironic, and funnier message in the form of a license plate on a Canadian car.
This also looks like it's one of the old school, older generation Canadians, just by the look of the car and the weathered and worn license plate that is even slightly yellow.
Roger That Rodger
With a name like Rodger, this man probably can't even count the number of times that he has had people make a joke with his name using the phrase "roger that." Instead of getting frustrated, this Rodger has decided to make a joke out of it and even went so far as to write it on his license plate. It's a funny license plate to have even before you know that that is also the driver's name.
Rodger seems to be very proud of his witty license plate. Imagine getting a message from UPS: "Rodger, your driver is approaching with a license plate of RGER DAT." Roger that, you might reply.
Zero Kids and a Fancy Car
Ahhh, the carefree life without children and no extra financial woes. This person wants to show off to the world what their lives could be like if they chose material things instead of children since most people are not fortunate enough to be able to afford both. His license plate, which says essentially "Zero kids," is both funny and a mockery to all the minivans circling the parking lot.
Some people, however, can afford both this fancy car and children, so maybe they are the ones who should be bragging the most. Either way, the license plate is pretty funny.
He Comes in Peace
This man clearly wanted to write something unique on his car (which is black), and so he chose the word BLACKMAN. He could have picked anything in the world or also just left it up to fate and wound up with a random selection of letters and numbers. However, he chose to stand out. While waiting in traffic, the car behind him chose to take a picture. What did he choose to do?
The driver of the car thought it would be funny to lift his hand up through the opening at the top and show the photographer from behind a peace sign. The creative license plate itself is already great enough, but they added to the clever writing on the plate with their hand in the air.
In Case You Weren't Sure
Just in case or on the off chance that you weren't sure, this vehicle wanted to clarify to you that they are indeed a car. They are not a horse or a train, or any other kind of transportation. They are a car. Now no one can be left wondering, despite how obvious it would seem to anyone nearby. When in doubt, check out the license plate and see: I AM A CAR.
Why have a boring and ordinary license plate when you could come up with something quirky and original like this funny license plate? You might even make someone laugh every day, like this one here.
Nikola Would Be Proud
Everyone knows that Tesla's are named after the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. As a tribute to the namesake of the vehicle, this person chose to write out his first name on the license plate of his Tesla. So at the end of the day, this car, when you look at it, is Nikola Tesla. At least they tried to be clever and a little unique. Anything is better than a random allotment of symbols.
This is certainly one of the easiest license plates to remember. You most certainly have to drive more carefully when you give yourself a memorable license plate like this. That is one of the biggest downsides of using your creativity to come up with a funny license plate, it becomes too memorable!
The Exact Hex Code
Most people will not understand how awesome and creative this license plate is unless you are a graphic designer or an artist. Sadly, this genius will go right over most people's heads. What is the meaning of the code that is this bright blue car's license plate? It is the exact hex code of the shade of blue that the car was painted in. If that isn't the definition of creativity, who knows what is.
The car really is a unique shade of blue; it makes sense that the owners would want to show off their excitement over the beautiful indigo blue coloring. The saddest part is that most people will never understand how creative this license plate is.
The Lord of the Rings, Car Version
The driver of this car is clearly a pretty big Lord of the Rings fan. So much so that they chose to write out the famous quote "One ring to rule them all" across their license plate. People driving near them certainly can't help but laugh at the funny and clever license plate of this proud lover of Lord of the Rings. After all, why not show off your movie quote capabilities?
As the car says (and the movie), you need just one Ring to rule them all! Did you notice the small "to rule them all" underneath, or did you just see the One Ring at first?
No Forks Given
In case you were wondering, there are no forks given in this car. At least, that is one way to read the license plate that they have created. You probably wouldn't want to be stuck driving next to these people on the highway as they clearly don't care about too many things, and safety is most likely not their top priority. Be careful driving next to this car for sure!
At least you will understand the driver's bad behavior if you encounter them on the street once you see and read their license plate because they have absolutely no forks given.
He Thinks He's Pretty Cool
This was probably this man's life dream: to buy a red mustang and write this across the back in bold print. What an interesting choice for a license plate and most certainly not the most respectful. Do you think it is a mid-life crisis or a young and spoiled teenager who just got his first car from his parents? Either way, there probably won't be many ladies riding in this car.
Despite what the owner of this car probably thinks, this car is probably more of a woman-repellant than anything else. Of course, some may be impressed by the red Mustang, but things will change when they see the license plate. This seems to be less of a clever license plate and more of a stupid and offensive one.
You Have to Read It Upside Down
The owner of this car decided to be pretty sly in the lettering on his license plate. Instead of outright writing something slightly offensive on the back of his car for all to see, he changed it up a bit. He still chose to write the offensive thing, but by putting it upside down in a less obvious way. Some people may catch on to this clever little hack, but it is unlikely.
No one would think at first when they see 37OHSSV what those letters and words would look like flipped upside down. Maybe this person was trying to pull one over his parents, and this probably worked pretty well! It is impressive that someone would spend that much time and effort to create the perfect insult in the form of clever license plate writing.
Steer Clear of This Car
It would probably be wise to steer clear of this car, although you might realize that once it is already too late. Judging things based on what is written on the car's license plate, they have no issues with perpetrating a hit and run. Although in such a circumstance, you probably won't see the license plate until it is too late. Just stay away if you can!
For any witnesses of the hit and run (god forbid), at least the license plate of the perpetrator will be easy to remember by all! No one will forget that one.
Don't Get Into That Van
Most people tend to stay far away from these creepy white vans at all costs and under all circumstances. However, this van just gave everyone else some extra reason to steer clear. That license plate is terrifying, especially considering it is combined with the creepy white van that everyone dreads.
Stay away from this van, and it's "2-hour poo" at all costs. Beyond just being creepy, it must really stink as well!
So next time you are in the market for a new car, consider that you could also get creative with the license plate that is attached to it. There is no need to have a boring and easily forgotten plate. Why not make it a crazy and funny and memorable license plate that will leave people laughing or smiling for a while?