Quitting your job can be a life changing and empowering moment. Whether you finally decide that you have had enough of an unfulfilling job where people did not value you or you were just ready for your next challenge, there is nothing wrong with having a little party at the end of the era. These employees were clearly quite loved at their place of work as their colleagues seemed sad to see them go. At their going away party they created these memorable and funny farewell cakes that will make their old jobs hard to forget. Whether you are planning to leave your work soon and want your coworkers to create a funny goodbye cake list this or your work bestie is moving on, these cakes are inspiration for the perfect work goodbye.
We Hope You Fail
Ben was apparently an essential part of the team at work and no one wanted to see him go. It got to the point that they felt the need to make a funny farewell cake to express their emotions. They said that Ben, now that he has decided to leave, will be considered dead to them from then on and that they hope he will fail in his future endeavors.
The crying emoji face makes it clear that this farewell cake is more of a joke than reality. They are sad to see him go, but they still want him to succeed in all of his future endeavors.
You’ll Never Be Forgotten…Until Tomorrow
Everyone wants to be memorable and there is no better feeling than to think when you leave a place of work that everyone will remember you for a long time in the future. This team wanted to confirm that their coworker would never be forgotten, even if they left the workplace. But then they wrote jokingly that they already forgot what their name is.
At least they did write in the farewell cake message that they were sad to see their friend leaving, even if they wouldn’t remember them long.
Fine, Just Leave!
This is a beautiful and pretty cake to have such a sad and funny farewell message. It looks like two employees decided to up and leave at the same time, so the team made this cake to say goodbye to both of them. They accepted the reality of the fact that they were leaving and just wrote to them simply “Fine. Go.”
They did write in small print at the bottom of the cake that they will miss both of the people who are leaving, even if they did accept the fact that they must move on.
Why Do You Hate Us?
Work can be manageable and even enjoyable when you have people surrounding you that you enjoy spending time with. But there is nothing worse than losing your work bestie to another job. It feels like a devastating loss, as can be seen in this funny farewell cake. They wanted to make it quite clear that they couldn’t believe their friend was leaving them.
This may be one of the best farewell cakes for a colleague. It is both sad and cute and it shows the true emotions of the person’s coworkers.
Using the Cake as a Reference
There is nothing like saying thank you for all the work that someone did for a company before they move on to a new place. These employees wanted to make things clear with this funny farewell cake that this employee hardly worked at all (notice the quotes around the word hard work). They topped things off by saying that the person can use this cake as a reference for their next job application.
This is a pretty great way to spend the last day at work. Who doesn’t want to receive a funny farewell cake that can be turned into a meme on their last day of work?
The Autocorrect Goodbye Message
This team got very creative in their goodbye message for their coworker. Maybe a lot of their work involved Google searches and so they decided to incorporate that in their farewell cake message. Instead of saying “congratulations Travis” they had Google autocorrect the message to say “Did You Mean: Congratulations Traitor”. They have made their feelings quite clear about their friend leaving their work.
This farewell cake is actually quite funny and clever. It looks happy and festive, but they also showed that they were sad about the circumstances.
What Do You Meme Goodbye Cake
Everyone loves a good game of “What Do You Meme”, but it’s not so often that you see it incorporated in a goodbye cake for a colleague. These people got pretty creative with their cake making. They mentioned that a successful job interview begins with a firm handshake and ends with letting everyone down..just as this person did by leaving.
At first glance this looks like an average and happy farewell cake, but in reality it is just a comical and witty way to tell a colleague that they are sad they are leaving.
Get Out of Here Now!
Some people are happy for their coworkers when they find a new job and others feel very differently. These people are not accepting of the fact that one of the team decided to leave and would rather create a funny farewell cake to make for a memorable last day. They had only one thing to say to their friend….Get the #$%% out!
This cake is an artistic masterpiece in that it has the angry stick figure with so much expression and emotion in its face (achieved with just a few lines).
Goodbye to the Quitter
Some people decide to leave when things get tough and others choose rather to stick it out in hopes that things will improve. This person decided to take the escape route and leave the workplace for something better. Their coworkers had some hard feelings about them abandoning the others and wished them all the worst as they left the workplace.
They were probably being sarcastic in their farewell cake message as they called their friend a quitter. They most likely actually wish them well in the future.
No One Cares If You Are Leaving
Sometimes people don’t want to show their true, raw emotions about something. And that might be the case with this slightly gross and funny farewell cake. These workers are saying that no one really cares that their coworker is leaving, but the whole cake that they made them seems to show otherwise. No one would put in that much effort for a farewell cake if they didn’t care someone was leaving.
Either they had someone on their team who was really talented at making cakes or they spent a lot of money to get this creative cake created especially for them.
The Final Goodbye
Nothing says that you have had enough of your work more than a funny cake meme with a comical goodbye quote to make it very clear. The person who is leaving work feels exactly the same as the man in this meme. They are more than ready to just leave their workplace and never go back. They were very happy about this choice.
The real question is did they person create this goodbye cake or did his colleagues make it for him, totally understanding his personality.
Unhappy That It Is Their Last Day
No one is ever happy to see a coworker leave, if they were on good terms. It can be a really sad day as a fun coworker can make a difficult job bearable. This team seems pretty sad that their friend is leaving, if their farewell cake is any indicator. They tried to pretend that they were happy to see them go, but you can tell that that is not the truth.
They probably feel very similar to the facial expression that is on the cat in the middle of the cake…they are very sad and trying to play it off with a joke.
One, Two, Three Goodbye!
There is a point for everyone where their job becomes way too much and they just can’t take it anymore and from the looks of their farewell cake, this employee very much felt that sentiment. They were more than ready to just throw up all their documents and things in the air and just leave and never ever look back.
This is the perfect funny goodbye meme for coworkers. It is comical and also very realistic. Everyone who is sick of their job can relate to this.
Congratulations on Quitting
Not everyone's job is a walk in the park. There are many people who do not enjoy their work and are suffering each and every moment that they are on the job. It looks like this workplace has an overall very toxic environment…and when the time came for one of the workers to quit, everyone was very happy for them. They were so happy that they created this “congratulations on quitting” farewell cake to commemorate the moment.
They made this funny goodbye cake look so pretty and endearing at first glance. You can’t really tell until you read the words that they are just happy for their friend for leaving an unpleasant job.
No One Will Miss You
When you are leaving any place, one of the most common sentiments is the desire to be missed. After all, these people are your friends and coworkers and people that you spent so much time with each and every day. However, these people seem like they want to make it very clear on their farewell cake that they are not going to miss the person that is leaving.
You can tell on this farewell cake message that this person’s coworkers are not too thrilled about them leaving but they are trying to hide their real feelings by saying that no one will miss them.
It’s a Good Thing It’s Your Last Day
In case this person was wondering if they would be missed when they left their job, this farewell cake made it quite clear that they would be. Although the upset cat is saying that it’s a good thing it’s the person’s last day, the sad face seems to be telling a different story. It’s sarcasm at its finest. No one wants this person to leave.
Maybe it’s a good thing that it is their last day because now the cat won’t attack them from their anger that they are leaving.
Unexpected Error Message
There is little that people in a workspace (especially if they work on computers) dread more than an unexpected error message. It can lead to so many delays and difficulties in getting tasks done. This is a very different error message, however, that makes for a funny goodbye cake. They have the error message listed of an employee that quit unexpectedly. Hopefully, their absence wouldn’t mess up the order of the workplace too much.
Do you think the person that left was a teacher? The primary colors and the apple make it seem that way. And that is a difficult job to fill quickly.
If you or one of your coworkers is planning to leave the workplace anytime soon, you should use this list of funny farewell cakes as inspiration. Why let them leave normally? You should throw them (or yourself) a party and make a funny cake to commemorate the moment. After all, it doesn’t happen that often in life (hopefully) and you should make a funny moment out of it. Even if you are not planning to leave your work anytime soon, this list of funny farewell cakes will still make you laugh. So, if you liked this, why not share it now!