I Just Like Smiling, Smiling’s My Favorite!
It wouldn’t be a list of funny Christmas memes without Will Ferrell’s Elf. In this Christmas comedy, Ferrell plays the over-the-top, happy-go-lucky elf named Buddy. Buddy was accidentally transported to the North Pole when he was a baby and raised by Santa and his elves into adulthood. Always knowing he didn’t “quite fit in”, Buddy sets off to New York (in full Buddy the Elf uniform) to find his real father, Walter Hobbs, played by James Caan. After a DNA test proves that Buddy is Walter’s son, Walter reluctantly attempts a relationship with Buddy with repeated chaotic results.

There’s a scene in the movie when Buddy’s boss asks him, “Why are you smiling like that?” Buddy’s classic response — “I just like to smile, smiling’s my favorite!” Now hilarious Christmas memes have popped up everywhere using the same line but replacing smiling with whatever it is people are obsessed with. In this case, it’s coffee. We can definitely see why this meme is easily quotable — coffee is always there when we need it, and we need a lot of it to get through the holiday season.
Put That Cookie Down!
Ahhh….good ‘ol Ahhhhnold. Now, THIS is a hilariously unforgettable scene from the 1996 movie, Jingle All the Way. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays an overworked dad named Howard, who struggles to be there for his family during the holidays. When searching for the perfect gift for his son, Howard learns that one of his neighbors is getting waaaay too neighborly with his wife in their home while eating freshly baked cookies his wife made.

This scene erupted into a funny conversation about cookies and took the internet by storm, becoming the main subject of many hilarious Christmas memes, parodies, and videos. Even poor Elsa can’t enjoy her cookies anymore!
The Failed Scare
The Grinch is a Dr.Seuss character from How the Grinch Stole Christmas. He’s a large green creature who hates anything joyful, especially Christmas, and attempts to ruin the holiday cheer by stealing all the food and Christmas gifts in the town of Whoville. After his failed thievery, the Grinch learns the true meaning of Christmas (spending time with friends, family, and neighbors), so he returns the stolen goods to their rightful owners.

This film is a classic with many versions. The iconic scene turned disturbingly accurate meme comes from the 2000 live-action version starring Jim Carrey as the Grinch, where he attempts and (horrifically fails) to scare Cindy-Lou by making “ugly” faces at the camera. Since then, people have tweeted, posted, and shared many versions of the scene, captioning everything from babies to dogs to cameras — “Me trying to _____ …..What the ____ really sees”. I’m sure you’ve filled in these blanks once or twice before; we sure have!
Yipee Ki-Yay, Mother…
The great debate — is Die Hard a Christmas movie, or is it not? If you ask us? This is one of the best Christmas meme debates around. Die Hard stars Bruce Willis as John McClane, a New York City policeman who visits his estranged wife and daughters on Christmas Eve. John attends his wife’s holiday party at its Japanese-owned headquarters, Nakatomi Plaza, but the celebration quickly turns into a bloodbath as a group of terrorists takes over the high-rise building. When McClane realizes he’s the only one who can save the hostages, he takes out the bad guys one by one to the tune of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.

There are countless memes (Christmas and not) using McClane’s famous line “Yippee Kai-Yay, Mother…”, to ones depicting memorable Die Hard scenes with scrolling Christmas lyrics, to many ringing in the holidays by watching Hans Gruber fall from the plaza. The film is loaded with Christmas music classics like Winter Wonderland, Let it Snow, Christmas in Hollis, and Ode to Joy…John’s wife’s name is Holly…Santa makes an appearance (ok, so John puts a dead guy in a Santa suit — it still counts)...and it snows at the end of the movie. So, which side are you on? And I mean, come on, McClane enters the Nakatomi Plaza whistling a few bars of “Jingle Bells”...why is this even a debate?
Merry Decemberween!
The Nightmare Before Christmas movie has a debate of its own — should I watch this at Christmas or Halloween? Some think that Christmas starts right after Halloween ends — November 1st at 12:00 a.m they’ve got those Christmas tunes blaring. If you’re “one of those”, this Hilarious Christmas meme hits you right in the feels. The animated Tim Burton film The Nightmare Before Christmas tells the story of a pumpkin king named Jack Skellington who stumbles across Christmas Town, a place full of bright colors and warm spirits, and quickly becomes obsessed with celebrating the holidays in Halloween Town. He plots to kidnap Santa and replace the role himself but soon discovers that even the best-laid plans can go away.

Various November 1st memes refer to those people who pack up their Halloween decor and costumes and put away their Halloween tunes for another year while unpacking and dusting off their long-awaited Christmas decor and playing “All I Want for Christmas is You” ALL AT THE SAME TIME. It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
Who Cares?
Billy Bob Thorton’s facial expression in Bad Santa says it all. This dark, raunchy Christmas comedy stars Billy Bob Thornton (Willie T. Stokes) and his partner in crime, Tony Cox (Marcus Skidmore), who pose as a mall Santa and his elf while ripping off stores on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a good year for Willie, resulting in him becoming a depressed alcoholic with a smart mouth and crude humor. But when Willie becomes friends with a young boy, he realizes there may still be hope for him yet.

Many memes originated from Thornton’s classic expression that says something along the lines of “Like I give a f***” or “What the h*** are you talking about now?!”. You don’t have to be a bad Santa to have had at least one time where you can relate to how Thornton’s feeling here.And if you ask us, there’s no shortage of funniest xmas memes potential when it comes to Bad Santa. The movie is a comedy gold mine of priceless facial expressions and funny Santa Claus memes.
That Nagging Feeling That You Forgot Something
Did I turn off the coffee? Did you lock up? Did you close the garage? No, that’s not it…. KEVIN!!!
Eight-year-old Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) quickly becomes man-of-the-house when he’s accidentally left alone in this family holiday classic, Home Alone. Left to fend for himself, young Kevin shops for groceries, does the laundry, eats a ton of ice cream while watching “rubbish” on television, and fends off the bad guys when they try breaking into the family home.
Eight-year-old Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) quickly becomes man-of-the-house when he’s accidentally left alone in this family holiday classic, Home Alone. Left to fend for himself, young Kevin shops for groceries, does the laundry, eats a ton of ice cream while watching “rubbish” on television, and fends off the bad guys when they try breaking into the family home.

The feeling of forgetting “something” is never fun, but this famous scene that originated from Kevin trying aftershave for the first time has turned into many other disastrous memes, including “The Face You Make When You Discover ____” and “When You’re Home Alone, and Someone Knocks On The Door”.
Bah Humbug!
You know that look when someone says something so outlandish or off the mark, and you just wish you could disappear right at that moment? Bill Murray captures this perfectly in Scrooged, a 1988 Christmas fantasy comedy based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Scrooged follows Bill Murray, who plays Frank Cross, a selfish television executive who receives a visit from 3 different ghosts on Christmas Eve with the intent of re-igniting his Christmas spirit.

While the movie isn’t your typical take on Scrooge, this is one of the best Christmas memes when you just want someone to shut up but can’t directly tell them to.