It is debatable whether the dedication page of a book is one of the most important pages of the book or one of the least important. On the one hand, it is the page that people tend to read first. But on the other hand, half the people tend to ignore it entirely. Regardless of what you believe, the book dedication page is important and some authors use the opportunity of a book dedication to write funny, creative, and memorable little tidbits. Next time you are thinking of skipping over the book dedication page, remember this list here and you will certainly think twice.
Dedicated to His Family
You have probably seen countless different book dedications that are written to loved ones or family members. They usually include long lovey-dovey words that fill the page with names. However, this author decided to do things a little differently with this funny book dedication. It was dedicated to his family…but in a more memorable way.
You have probably seen countless different book dedications that are written to loved ones or family members. They usually include long lovey-dovey words that fill the page with names. However, this author decided to do things a little differently with this funny book dedication. It was dedicated to his family…but in a more memorable way.
The Red Line Club
This author most likely has a very unique name, or at least one that is spelled a little bit differently. Why else would they choose to have a book dedication that is written to everyone that has a red line under their name in Microsoft Word. Although it is certainly a funny way to memorialize your book dedication page, it is definitely also unique!
This is probably the first and last time that people who felt personally victimized by the red line in Microsoft Word had their feelings recognized publicly.
The Dog Was a Better Person Than Her
It’s not just a coincidence that dogs are known as “man’s best friend”. They are kind and loyal and unconditionally loving. And just as this author wrote in her book dedication page, sometimes they make for a better person than people themselves. This is both meaningful and comical at the same time.
Carley, the dog was fittingly given a human’s name as well. Maybe she was really a reincarnated human soul in a dog’s body.
A Very Understanding Wife
This man chose to dedicate his book to his wife. But not in the usual way that you see a book dedication or a dedication quote to a spouse. He wrote out how he was shocked at how understanding his wife was as he wrote and published a book about him and all of his previous lovers and girlfriends. Not everyone would be so supportive of that.
Maybe the book is actually about how terrible the experiences were with all the women who came before her. Perhaps that is the reason she had no problem with it.
Dedicated to All Those Who Rejected
It’s no secret that most people who attempt to publish a book have to send their manuscript to many different publishers before someone chooses to publish it. This person decided to make a joke out of that on his book’s “dedication page”. He called out all the publishers who refused to publish his now successful book.
What makes this the best book dedication? Perhaps the fact that it is actually called “No Thanks” instead of the usual “Thanks” that is seen in regular book dedications.
Mom, Please Skip Over Some Parts
This person wrote a book that, as the dedication page makes it seem, was actually slightly steamy. Although they still wanted to dedicate the book to their mother, they decided to include a short disclaimer on the book dedication page. It is still “For Mom”. But they remind to please skip over the sex scenes.
There is nothing more awkward than having to sit through a movie with a parent when things get steamy. Imagine how much more awkward it would be if it was a book you wrote yourself.
Thanks to Everyone…Except
Sometimes it’s hard to let go of a grudge. And what better place to get years worth of anger out than to include it in a funny book dedication. They wasted no time to thank everyone who helped them to create their book. But they also wasted no time to call out the mean man from Kmart who yelled at them when they were eight years old.
It’s crazy to think how one small incident like that can leave such a big impression on a child. It made such an impression that they included him in their book dedication page.
The Twitter Content Dedication
Some people get bored with the usual means of coming up with what to write on the book dedication page. They don’t want to go with the usual dedication quotes that everyone includes. So instead they come up with clever ideas like a Twitter contest. This author’s family wasn’t too thrilled at that idea though and wanted their names to be listed.
It looks like they didn’t really get their names on the next book’s dedication either though…they just got called out for how much they disliked the first idea.
Tell Dad About the Book
This person chose to dedicate their new fiction book to their father. However, instead of making it a normal dedication, they turned it into a funny book dedication. They acknowledged the fact that their father would probably never pick up this book in his life (since it was a fiction book) so someone should tell him to take a look (at least at the book dedication page).
Do you think the father ever ended up seeing this page and the dedication that was made out just to him?
A Special Thanks to Mom and Dad
When you think of a book dedication page that is written to someone’s parents, you usually think of something loving and sweet. However, this person decided to be a bit more truthful and slightly offensive. They wanted to make sure everyone knew that without all the support and mental health issues that their parents provided them with, none of this would ever be possible.
Well, at least they are grateful for both the good and the bad here. They do include both in the book dedication.
Changing Up the Order
This book's dedication page seems like it is written to three siblings, but in reality, it is actually to all the youngest siblings in the world who always have to see their names put last in everything. Instead of including the youngest child last, this author decided to change this up and make for a funny book dedication in the process.
Julia was probably pretty happy with this book dedication. Not only was the book dedicated to her, but she was not included last.
He Changed Her Life
It’s funny how sometimes people think that they aren’t making a difference in your life. This teacher probably thought it wouldn't be a big deal to call one of his students a feminazi, however, it ended up changing her life and he ended up appearing on a book dedication page. This was her form of revenge on the injustice of his statements.
This is the best kind of revenge…harmlessly shaming someone in a book dedication. Hopefully, he was embarrassed by his actions and changed his ways.
A Dedication and a Confession
There are some things that you hide from your parents for years or decades. Some people even choose to take those things with them to the grave. This child chose to let the secret out when he wrote his book, making for one of the best book dedications. He admitted that he was the one who dented the coffee table with his ninja swords as a child.
The parents probably already knew that he was responsible long before this confession inside of the book dedication page.
A Marriage Proposal in a Book Dedication
People are coming up with crazier and crazier ways to propose to the person that they want to marry. Whether it is fake kidnappings or destination trips or in this case…a book dedication page, what happened to a simple down on one knee? It is a sweet idea, but they probably had to wait a long time to get this book published in order to do this.
What if Ania was the type of person to skip the book dedication page entirely? It would be tragic to watch her just skip past it casually.
To All the Curious People
A lot of people tend to wonder, especially if your friend is a novelist or a fiction writer, if they are writing about them. Although the author usually doesn’t want to disclose this sort of information in case people take offense, this author couldn't care less. They chose to get rid of any ambiguity on their book dedication page.
They clearly stated that yes, they are writing about all of their friends and family in all of their books.
The Titanic Debate
There’s nothing like bringing up a huge debate in film history in the dedication page of your book. Anyone who has seen the Titanic movie with Leonardo DiCaprio knows the famous scene where his lover is floating away on a door in the ocean and says that there is not enough room for him. Everyone also knows that, from the looks of it, there really was plenty of room for both of them there.
They decided to make their point of view very clear in their funny book dedication…and most people can relate to it.
To Those Who Have Experienced True Pain
This author decided to make a pretty funny book dedication. Instead of writing something cute or sweet or meaningful, they wrote something comical. They decided to dedicate their book to anyone who has ever gone through the pain of a Brazilian wax. It seems minor and insignificant…only to those who have never experienced this pain.
All the people who have gone through the pain of a Brazilian wax (mostly women) will certainly appreciate this funny book dedication.
Have you been inspired to be a writer yet? Well, in case you ever do become a published author, take some inspiration from their comical writers and make your book dedication page a funny and creative one. They oftentimes make for the most memorable ones of all.
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