We humans are creatures of habit. We think that things go a certain way, and it takes a lot for us to change our minds. This is especially true if these habits are based on things we were taught growing up. However, doing something one way your entire life doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, like keeping certain foods in the fridge or freezer. Believe it or not, it turns out you've been storing your favorite foods all wrong this whole time! For more myth-busting revelations, read on.
Gorgeous Garlic
It turns out that stinky garlic actually deteriorates faster in the fridge than in the cupboard. Since garlic doesn't usually take up too much space, it's not too hard to find a place for it in the kitchen. Come on, you've definitely got a spot for it, we know.
Store your garlic OUTSIDE of the fridge in order to keep it fresher for longer. Keeping it at room temperature, and away from direct sunlight is your best bet. Then enjoy the delicious taste spicing up your every meal.
Nutritious Nuts
If you want to store your nuts for up to six months, then the freezer is the place for them. However, this is the only time they should be kept cold. For the most part, this is not a good idea.
To keep their natural nutritious oils in best form, it is best to keep them in a cool and dry place like your pantry. Find a nice glass jar to store them in, and you'll be rewarded with both nuts that taste great, and also a cute-looking kitchen accessory. It's a win-win!
Sweet Honey
Honey is another delicious food item that should be away from the fridge, as cold temperatures can change its consistency and texture. Come on, nobody likes to scrape stiff, musty honey from the jar with a spoon. Honey is best enjoyed runny, squeezy and gooey.
Keep your honey in a warm, dry place so that you can have all the benefits of its smooth deliciousness. Yum. You'll be a lot happier this way; trust us. If it's good enough for Winnie the Pooh, it's good enough for us.
Tangy Onions
Make sure you keep your onion in a dry, cool place, and its peel will protect it and preserve its freshness. As Shrek said, ogres have layers, and onions have layers too--use them wisely. Trust us, they're there for a reason.
Save your valuable fridge space and store whole onions in a basket or on any countertop you might have in your house. However, if you've already cut open your onion, then it can be a good idea to keep it in the fridge, but this is the only case.
Delicious Butternut Squash
If you keep this delicious orange vegetable in the fridge then the moisture will ruin its texture very quickly. Butternut squash is a versatile food that can be used in a bunch of different ways, with a bunch of different recipes, for something that is ultimately very delicious.
Keep it at room temperature and it will stay in good form for a long time. You probably noticed already that butternut squash comes complete with very thick skin, and that skin is there to sustain its freshness. It's too big for the fridge anyway, that would really be a problem space-wise.
Precious Olive Oil
If you keep olive oil in the fridge it will become lumpy and grainy which is NOT what we want. Olive oil is precious, delicious, and expensive, so you need to know about this one. We can't let this kitchen staple go to waste.
On the other hand, don't leave it in the sun as this is not a recipe for success either. Keep it in a cool, dry place and you'll be good to go. Then pour it generously over your food, it can't hurt.
Powerful Potatoes
As for potatoes, storing them in the fridge will ruin them for sure. Keep them away from sunlight, in a cool and dry place. They can have their own basket or drawer, and they will be very happy there.
If you leave potatoes in the fridge, the cold temperature will turn their starch into sugar and ruin their flavor. Outside the fridge is the best place to be. Bet you didn't know that. So if your potatoes are sitting in the fridge now, take them out. Move them to another place, and enjoy them for longer.
Yummy sweet Potatoes
Unsurprisingly, sweet pototoes also need to be left outside of the fridge, like their potato cousins. We just love how delicious sweet potatoes are, in all variations.
Their texture and flavor will be ruined inside the fridge, and you'll be surprised at how long they can stay in good condition outside of the fridge. Don't worry about them going bad, this will only happen if they are left outside for a really long time. Sweet potatoes will always have your back, just like us.
Beloved Bread
Let's be honest, if you were storing your bread in the fridge then that was already pretty weird of you. You should probably stop. Bread belongs in a bread bin or a basket, or whatever else you have to store it in. Even if it's just in a cupboard or a drawer.
But, don't worry if you were storing it in the fridge, we're just here to tell you that it's not the best idea. The cold will turn your bread stale, so best to keep it room temperature. Instead of having to deal with stale bread, let your bread stay fresh just like the baker intended. Nothing better than fresh, delicious bread, we're sure you'll agree.
Powerful Pumpkins
Pumpkins need a bit of tender love and care, just like any other plant. So when you first get them, you should leave them on a windowsill to 'cure'. This means giving them some fresh sunlight energy to help them along in their journey to your belly.
After that, move them to a dry, dark place. If you put them in the fridge they'll 'cure' too fast. As you can see, you have to be sure to look after pumpkins in the right way. The end result is a wonderfully delicious and nutritious treat that can be used in pies, curries, or served roasted on its own.
Amazing Avocados
Avocados are almost everyone's favorite. They can be left outside the fridge for four to seven days until they are ripe. We love avocados here so we are taking this one seriously to help you enjoy your avocados the way nature intended.
Once they are ripe, however, they can actually be moved into the fridge because it means they will stay this way for longer. As long as the avocados are protected; that's the most important thing.
Juicy Mangos
Just like avocados, once the mangos are ripe then they can be put in the fridge. Again, since we love mangos we're taking this one very seriously.
If they aren't ripe just yet, they should be stored outside in order to achieve their maximum juiciness and softness. Nothing better than a ripe, juicy mango. The sweetness is incredible.
Coffee Beans
Coffee beans should be stored in an airtight container, in a dark place. This is to help them keep their potency and flavor.
The moisture from the fridge will surely ruin your coffee beans' flavor and make them turn musty, so make sure to keep them out!
Who doesn't love some cold, sweet, and juicy watermelon on a hot summer's day? We know we do.
Once you've chopped it up then you're welcome to keep it in the fridge, but until that time keep it stored outside so it can reach it's perfect ripeness.
Eggplants, or as they are sometimes known, aubergines, should be kept in a cool place, but cool doesn't mean COLD.
A household fridge is much too cold for keeping an eggplant fresh and tasty. Room temperature should do it, just make sure it's not under direct sunlight.
Delicious Cake
Unless it's topped with cream or frosting, there's no need to put your cake in the fridge. Most cakes last for 3 to 7 days outside the fridge.
Keep it fresh in a sealed container, and you'll be able to enjoy the taste for a long time.
Bountiful Bananas
We know it can be tempting to put your bananas in the fridge, especially when the outside is hot. But it's not the best idea.
Bananas should be kept at room temperature so they can ripen in the right way, let's not mess with nature- bananas are great as they are.
Hot Sauce
Since most hot sauces contain plenty of vinegar, there's no need to keep them in the fridge. Your favorite hot sauce should be fine stored in the cupboard even after you open the bottle.
Vinegar stops most bacterial growth, so don't fret. What's more, the chili's heat and flavor will actually stay more potent if kept at room temperature. Don't burn your mouth, though.
Salad Dressing
If your salad dressing is oil or vinegar-based then it's going to be totally fine stored outside of the fridge.
Leave that valuable fridge space for any dressings or sauces with cream inside. Vinegar or oil-based ones should be fine in the outside world.
Delicious Dried Fruits
Who wants soggy dried fruits? Not us, that sounds terrible. The way to avoid it? Don't keep your fruits in the fridge.
Instead, keep the fruits in an airtight container in a cool, dark place and they will stay delicious for up to six whole months.
Succulent Syrup
If you like your syrup sweet and runny, as we're sure that you do, then it's best to keep it outside of the fridge. If you store it inside, it will become stiff and hard, which is not ideal.
As long as you finish the syrup within a few months then you'll be fine keeping it in a cool, dry place.
We understand the appeal of keeping chocolate inside the fridge; having a cold bite of chocolate is delicious. However, it is just simply unnecessary.
Keeping chocolate in the fridge can actually ruin and mess with the taste, color, and texture. So it's a big no from us. Chocolate can also absorb the smell of other food around it, so keep it separate, and everything will be fine.
Perfect Pastries
Don't put your pastries in the fridge unless you want them soggy and limp. If you do like them like that- what's wrong with you?
Instead, store them in a cool place in a paper bag, preferably in order to keep their texture and crunch. This will be the perfect solution.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter will become lumpy and unappetizing if you leave it in the fridge and that sounds like a crime against humanity. Peanut butter is so delicious, we should not compromise its taste.
Natural peanut butter might be ok in the fridge, but there is also the chance that the oils and solids will separate which doesn't sound great, either. Moral of the story? Not in the fridge.
Plump Peaches
Peaches are a tricky one because it's important to get them at exactly the right level of plumpness for them to be perfectly burst-in-your-mouth juicy.
However, the key to this is not to put them in the fridge. This can make them shrivel and lose moisture. Keep them in a cool, dry place and let them ripen in the right way. Then enjoy your delicious peaches.
Pickled Vegetables
This one will probably catch many of you by surprise, but the truth is that pickled vegetables should be kept outside the fridge.
The huge amounts of vinegar included in order to pickle the vegetables themselves will also keep them fresh, no need for a fridge. The only exception is if you've picked your own vegetables; in this case, do put them in the fridge.
Assorted Spices
We'll be honest, we don't know who stores their spices inside of the fridge, but we'll tell you now: stop. That is not the place for them.
The cold will make them condensed and damp, which is not good for the flavour and texture of the spices.
Chocolate Spread
Who doesn't want their chocolate spread creamy? Surely creamy chocolate spread is the only way to go.
If you put it in the fridge it will become solid and lumpy, and we don't want that. Store it at room temperature for the best spreading experience. Yum.
Tomato Ketchup
This one will surely catch you by surprise- tomato ketchup is not to be kept in the fridge. So get it out of the fridge door now, we know it's in there.
As a result of the vinegar in the bottle, the ketchup will stay just fine outside of the fridge. It's a hot debatable topic, we know. But it's true.
Assorted Jams
With a sealed lid, jam can be kept in the cupboard for up to full two years. However, once opened, it's time to move it to the fridge.
Once the jar has been opened it should be moved to the fridge in order to stop mould from growing.
Soy Sauce
The high salt levels in soy sauce mean that it can be stored for up to six months in a cupboard, or another dry and cool place.
The label on the bottle might state otherwise, but if Asian restaurants keep their soy sauce bottles out in the open, maybe they're on to something.
Bubbly Champagne
If you want to drink your champagne within the next five days then it's fine to keep it in the fridge, HOWEVER, if not, then definitely don't do this.
The fluctuating temperatre in the fridge will destroy the perfect consistency of the champagne, and that is not something that w want, at all.
Citrus Fruits
Do you like your citrus fruits juicy? Store them in the fridge if you don't. If you do, leave them outside!
Keep your citrus fruits outside of the fridge and consume them within a few weeks for maximum juiciness.
Bet you didn't know this one either; it's perfectly fine to store butter outside the fridge. It can be kept on a surface counter for one or two days, and there will be no problems found.
If you're going to leave it for longer though, better to pop it in the fridge as it will need something to help it stay as cool as possible to last for longer. It also goes without saying; don't leave it in the sunlight if you like your butter in solid form.
Excellent Eggs
This one might catch you off guard, but don't worry, it is a little complicated but we're here to help. So, in the case of eggs, it actually depends on whether you're in Europe or somewhere else. If you're in Europe then you don't need to put the eggs in the fridge, as the shell is a good protector.
However, if you're not in Europe then you should actually keep the eggs in the fridge as this will help the bacteria to not return, after it has already been dispelled as a result of the sterilization process.
Soft, Fresh Herbs
How great is the addition of basil to any dish? We just love the taste of basil. But it shouldn't actually be left in the fridge. Basil and other fresh herbs should actually be cut, and kept with a glass of fresh water.
If you leave them in the fridge then they're just going to go soggy, and that is not what we want- they get ruined very fast that way. Hard herbs or dried herbs can be wrapped in a paper towel and stored in the fridge though. We just are trying to avoid sogginess, and we don't think you can blame us for this.
White Wines
Always look at the wine that you're trying to serve, and make sure that it requires refridgeration before you put it in the fridge. The last thing we want is to ruin our wine drinking experience, that would be a nightmare.
Sparkling and lighter wines can be kept in the fridge, but more mature and complex white wines like Chardonnay should be kept at room temperature. There's plenty of information online if you want to see exactly how each wine should be stored.
Most of you probably keep tomatoes in the fridge, but we're here to tell you that it's simply not necessary. Actually keeping tomatoes in the fridge will damage the tomato membranes and make them watery and mealy, as well as permanently damage their flavour. Not good.
Instead store them on a counter, or a tabletop. This way they will stay delicious and ripe in exactly the way you want them. We love tomatoes.
Mixed Berries
While it's an ok idea to keep berries in the fridge if you're looking to keep them for the longest time, this is not the best way for ultimate taste.
In order for the taste and texture to be ideal, you should make sure to keep the berries in a dry and cool place. This way they will be the most delicious.
Bell Peppers
Peppers can be stored in a paper bag and put on the side. If you do this, the peppers will stay crisp and deliciously ready for eating.
The fridge, on the other hand, will soften their crisp texture, making them shriveled and soggy. This is not what we want, we love a crisp bite.
Plump Plums
In order to have plums that are at their absolute ripest, they need to naturally ripen at room temperature. Don't put them in the fridge.
If they are put in the fridge then they will lose their ability to ripen in the best way, and they might become dry and flavourless. They could also shrivel up, don't risk it. It's not worth it.
Pure Pears
Much like an apple, it is best to keep a pear away from the coldness of the fridge. The cold air will ruin their crisp texture, and we all hate a pear that tastes mealy.
On the other hand, if you do love a cold pear then we're not going to stop you from putting it in the fridge, it's your choice ultimately.