All For One and One For All
This family decided to make sure the family dog didn't feel left out during the holidays and so they decided to include him and his recent procedure as the theme of their funny Christmas card. Nothing like saying that pets are a part of the family!

In this family, if one of them suffers, they all suffer together. That's what the holidays are all about, right?
Gingerbread Family
Run, run, run as fast as you can, you'll never catch us, we're the Gingerbread family. This is both a terrifying card and a funny and creative Christmas card idea. It’s sure to make you laugh.

Idea: 10/10 Execution 3/10
Orange You Glad It's Christmas
When you get a spray tan and instead of looking freshly sunkissed, you look more like an oompa loompa.

Lesson learned, never get a spray tan the day you are taking your holiday photo unless you are trying to make a fool out of yourself and give everyone a funny Christmas card picture to laugh at on the holidays.
The Circle of Life
What do you get when you take a cheetah attacking an atelope, snowfakes, and a desert background?

You get the perfect holiday card of course! Who would ever think this was a bad idea?? Next time you can’t think of something to include on your card, think of this funny Christmas card photo idea.
Merry Easter?
This family must have been trying ot kill two birds with one stone. It was an easy way to save money during the holiday season.

If you look close enough, they are even promoting the family business. Is that killing three birds with one stone? It’s still unclear exactly what the family business is, but you get a hint from this funny Christmas card.
O Holy Night
Out of all the photoshopped cards, this one has to be the best. You can’t tell if it’s poorly photoshopped or if it was intentionally done to make for a funny Christmas card. But that makes it even funnier!

If you listen hard enough you can almost hear them singing.
You're Bacon Me Crazy
Lady Gaga's line of childrens suits came out just in time for holiday photos. Maybe she was their inspiration or maybe they were just looking for a creative Christmas card idea.

What is one years christmas card outfit, is next years halloween costume.
A Christmas Goat
What's better than having a baby goat in your Christmas card?

Nothing. Nothing is better than a baby goat wearing a Santa hat. Just ignore every other part of the picture. This is more of a cute Christmas card photo than a funny one! Who doesn’t love a goat dressed for the holidays?
The Gangs All Here
Holiday sweaters? Check. Pets? Check. Children? Sort of.

Sometimes a grown man just wants to hangout with his dog and baby doll, and there is nothing wrong with that, right? He looks like he is sick of people asking him about children so he chose to make a funny Christmas card instead with a realistic looking doll.
Have A Holly Jolly Catsmas
When your cat is the light of your life and the only family you need.

At least this cat seems like it is ok with participating in this photo and being the star of this funny Christmas card.
Run For Your Life
Some children love Santa, while others clearly do not feel the same.

He must really not be a fan of weird old men who dress up in red costumes and a beard in the middle of shopping malls. This is pretty common with children on the holidays, but not all parents decide to take these comical moments and turn them into a funny Christmas card.
It's Raining Cats And Dogs
When you can't get your dog and cat to sit for a nice photo, just photoshop in their floating heads.

Let's also take a minute to appreciate their fabulous color coordination. It is a true talent to find a shade of green that unique. All four creatures in this photo look a bit strange, really making for quite a funny Christmas card picture.
The Nativity Scene: Dog Edition
Nativity scenes are a classic religious staple for Christmas, so why not ruin it by adding your dog.

Some people love their dogs as much as if they were baby Jesus. Although some people would see this as sacreligious, others see it as a funny and creative Christmas card idea.
Holiday Face Swap
Something is strange about this photo. Oh, it must be the giant babies and tiny adults.

Some internet trends should stay within snapchat or instagram, and not used for holiday cards. This really made for a strange and disturbing card rather than a funny and creative Christmas card.
He Sees You When You're Sleeping
This is how every Christmas horror movie starts…and then it ends with this funny Christmas card picture.

Don't turn around or you may be put on the naughty list.
Too Accurate
When everyone around you seems to have their lives together. They are getting married or having children, and then there's you. At least Emily seems to be rocking it in this funny Christmas card and at least there won’t be as many questions when the holiday meals come around.

It's ok, it's better to be the fun single aunt in our opinion.
A Christmas Cat-astrophe
"Don't you dare make me wear this hat and beard just to have a funny Christmas card to share with everyone.”

When your owner forces you to wear a silly costume and take a horrible picture. The struggle is real.
It's A Holiday Fumble
"Really dad, the Heisman Pose?"

When you want good presents, you have to be nice all year long. That includes going along with the lame holiday card photoshoot.
How Many is Too Many
Thirty-three dogs. Yes, you read that correctly, that's 33 dogs.

Everyone loves a furry friend, but when does it become too many. Thirty-three, that's when you have too many. It must have been a challenge to get them all together at the same time to create this creative Christmas card.
Naughty Not Nice
"Mom, put some clothes on..."

Why she chose to wear a latex mini dress and a garter for the family holiday card is a mystery that may never be solved. Was she trying to make for a funny Christmas card by making everyone uncomfortable?
The Christmas Wrappers
Their mix tape is dropping this holiday season.

Listen to your favorite hits including "Santa Wrap" and "Christmas in da Hood".
A Desert Christmas
This holiday card raises so many questions. Where do we start?

Who picked these outfits? Why are they posing in front of a cactus? When was this taken, and where are they now?
Mrry Xmas, Ttyl
It's nice to get the family together around the holidays and some much needed quality time.

Let's be honest, this is what most families look like throughout the year so why pretend for the holidays. At least they are acknowledging the problem by making a joke out of it for a funny Christmas card that will get everyone talking.
Presenting Around The Christmas Tree
What's better than sitting on a pile of presents for the family photo? Wearing them, obviously.

Top it off with a couple of bows and Santa hats, and you have the most awkward yet adorable card.
Human Santapede
Santa's reindeer were in high demand this year, so this family had to improvise.

Unfortunately, it just came out looking super awkward and suggestive. It was probably not what they were looking to create, but they were too invested by the time they saw the end result. It was still a creative Christmas card if not a totally appropriate one.
Elf on A Shelf
Everyone loves the classic little elf you hide around the house.

It may be easier to find when the elves are full sized people.
A Frat Boy Christmas
Look here ladies, these lovely gentlemen are getting you something even better than jewelry or clothing for the holidays.

Instead, you get to have this photo to question all your life choices that lead you to dating one of them.
Happy Snakemus
Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. That includes the family pets, reptiles and dogs alike.

If you look deep in Santa's eyes you can see the fear in his soul. Also, how did they carry these through the mall?
Disgusting The Ho Ho Family
When you have one too many cookies and glasses of eggnog.

Years from now he will look back at this, laugh, and still be eating too many cookies.
How Many Men Does it Take to Decorate A Tree
When you are feeling lonely during the holidays have no fear, you can just photoshop yourself to be your own group of friends. It is a creative Christmas card idea that will leave people confused and deceived for a bit, getting them off your back.

It looks like he knows how to throw a fun tree lighting party. After seeing this, more people will want to come next year.
Flipping the Christmas Bird
When you tell your sibling to do something stupid and they actually do it.

Clearly someone is not making Santa's good list this year…although she is winning the award for creating one of the funniest Christmas cards in existence.
They say, "a family that texts together stays together."

Maybe they have a groupchat to talk about how awkward their photo is going to turn out.
He's A Mean One Mr. Grinch
A cute and classic idea that went horribly wrong when it came time to dress dad.

Who thought it would be a good idea to dress this grown adult man in a full body spandex suit? His facial expression does not help the situation.
Sparkle And Shine
2013 was a bad year for holiday cards clearly and this family’s attempt at making a funny Christmas card proved it.

When are people going to learn that dads and spandex just don't mix.
A Family of Ornaments
It is hard to tell if the children knew this would be the final outcome.

They look way too happy to know they will be turned into giant ornaments or maybe they were excited at this creative Christmas card idea (albeit a bit strange).
Seasonally Confused
It seems like it is pretty obvious that it's winter due to the snow and the giant snowman.

I guess you stop feeling cold after finishing a 30-pack of beer before taking your holiday card picture.
Trapped in a Winter Wonderland
Sometimes you need to think outside of the box or inside the snow globe for a great idea…and you will come up with this funny Christmas card picture idea.

Sadly, this was not it. Great effort and acting on their part though.
What Happened To Rudolph?
It seems rudolph retired and made a couple of female friends.

Hopefully he is having a happy holiday season.
Monkeying Around The Christmas Tree
How do you spice up your holiday card this year? Add a monkey of course! There is no doubt that your card will be the funniest and most creative Christmas card circulating among family and friends.

Why is the monkey wearing a dress? Where did she get a monkey in the first place? We need answers.
He Did It
Why is Santa always blaming his problems on his elves? It seems like the kid in this funny Christmas card picture deserves it. He appears to be mischievous.

He sneaks into houses, and steals cookies while people are sleeping. You can't blame that on all the elves.
Why have a boring and ordinary Christmas card this year? Why not send out a creative and funny one that will leave people thinking and talking for a long time? If you enjoyed these funny Christmas cards, why not get creative and use them as inspiration to make your own? And better yet, share this with your friends and see who can come up with the funniest Christmas card yet!