As the late fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld once said, "Trendy is the last stage before tacky." He forgot to mention that the stage after tacky is disastrous. At some point in all of our lives, we have all been the victims of a fashion disaster, but we are guessing it was nothing like the photos you are about to see. From odd phrasing to bizarre patterns, these are the best fashion fails that were available to purchase.
1. Poorly Placed Record Player
As the band Dead Or Alive once sang, "You spin me right round, baby, Right round like a record, baby, Right round round round." This man bought this shirt because he like that it featured a record player, but he didn't realize how inappropriate it would look.
Whoever designed this shirt did not realize that the start/stop lever was poorly positioned and would ruin the design of this shirt.
2. It Was Supposed To Be A Dog
Nothing to see here, just a hand about to pet a dog. Don't you see the nose and eye of the dog? This shirt brings a whole new meaning to "who's a good boy."
The dog looks phallic, and the face is hard to see, but the floral pattern helps a little bit.
3. "Nude" Illusion
This girl must have purchased this dress from a company that only shows you the front of the dress.
The back was described as a nude illusion, but that zipper is ruining all the mystery.
4. "Click, Pick, Delivered"
As they say, dress for the job you want, not the one you have, but be sure those aren't unsolicited "click picks."
When you are picking a design for a shirt, it is essential to check the font before printing them. Unfortunately, this company didn't realize that their slogan would look wrong at a certain angle.
5. When You Want To Make The Shirt Into A V-Neck
For those hot summer days when you want to get a little breeze, you can unzip the collar at least one millimeter.
Maybe the intention was to add more length to the zipper, but they ran out and decided to keep the small amount for decoration.
6. The Burning "Eye" Of Sauron
One does not simply walk into Mordor. The design of this Lord of the Rings themed skirt is an interesting choice.
That is the last place you would want to see a ring of fire, but if you are bold enough to wear this, then more power to you.
7. The Pattern Placement Is A Bit Off
When trying on patterned dresses, always look at where the pattern sits on your body, so you don't have a fashion disaster like this.
The spiraling black hole is not where you would want it to be, and that could get embarrassing.
8. Something Isn't Right Here
Have you seen a clean-shaven man before? We are going to assume you have, so you can say that this shirt is wrong.
For some men, it is hard to grow facial hair. Moral of the story, don't believe everything you read on t-shirts.
9. High School Fears In A Skirt
For all the ladies out there, did you ever fear that you would get your period while wearing a white skirt? It was something you imagined would be very embarrassing.
If it were any other color, this would be an adorable skirt, but the red makes it look like an unfortunate accident.
10. Never Do Your Best, Quit
We are getting mixed signals from this tank top. Are you supposed to quit because you will never do your best, or never quit?
Say it loud and say it proud, it is very motivational if you can read it correctly.
11. He Loves His Child
When you love your child so much, you want to share that with the world. This is an interesting look, but he might have gone a little too far.
It is never too early to embarrass your child apparently, and everyone will know which child belongs to him on the playground.
12. Slipped In The Mud
Never try to walk down a hill the day after it rains. You might slip in the mud and ruin your new skirt.
The brown ruins the pretty skirt and makes it look like she had a bathroom accident.
13. "Our Music Is To Die For"
This middle school orchestra shirt took a dark turn. The band that plays together hangs together according to this shirt.
While the idea was creative, the outcome is scary and inappropriate for middle schoolers.
14. Nassau, Bahamas
Her family decided that she shouldn't wear this shirt out in public anymore because it sends the wrong message to people.
We don't know what Ass Ham is, but judging by its name, it doesn't seem like a great place to visit.
15. These Pants Cost $970
Is there a disclaimer that the coloring might not be the same as the picture? For $970 there should be a warning label.
It looks like she is trying to bring assless chaps back into style. Maybe these pants would work if they were a different color.
16. Chain Wallet Ankle Crocs
Crocs have always been a questionable fashion choice, and these take that to a whole new level.
At least he knows he won't be able to lose his shoes because they are locked onto his pants.
17. A Bad Day To Wear White
These tie-dye lounge pants are ones that people only wear during a particular time of the month.
These red tie-dye designs always seem to be placed in inappropriate areas.
18. New York, Sweden, Or Paris
This shirt is for the world traveler. If you have been to New York, Sweden, and love the Eiffel tower, this shirt is perfect.
Some people get confused when it comes to geography, and that is ok, but none of these places are even close to each other.
19. "PaAis...Never Heard Of It
The Eiffel Tower is supposed to represent the "R" in Paris, but it looks more like an "A."
People might be distracted by all the bling and forget that the word Paris is missing an "R."
20. Dumbo The Flying Elephant
Dumbo is a classic Disney movie, and this shirt is based on the loveable and cute elephant. Although, at first glance, it looks like the shirt says dumb.
Calling a child dumb is not very nice. Children have so much to learn, and they are far from dumb.
21. Adorbtion?
This shirt would convey a powerful message if it were spelled the right way. Last time we checked, "adorbtion" is not a word.
If they wanted to make this shirt correct, the "r" would have to be crossed out as well. This shirt loses meaning with spelling mistakes.
22. Why You Should Never Wear A Brown Dress In Water
The real question here is why anyone would wear a gown into a swimming pool. It looks like she had an accident in the water.
If the dress was red she would look like she was attacked by a shark.
23. There Is A Big Difference Between "O" and "A"
If we have learned anything from these fashion disasters it is that font is crucial to the design. Here the saying goes from "roping" to "raping."
Out of all the words you could put on a shirt, "raping" is not one that should be used. Always check to make sure the font works with your text.
24. I've Got My Eyes On Those
Have you ever heard someone say they need an extra set of eyes? Next time, suggest these shoes for them so they will have a large number of spare eyes.
Can you imagine the sound these make when people walk around? All those google eyes would be very noisy.
25. This Shirt Only Works With Your Arms Outstretched
When you go to Hanalei, be sure to avoid buying this shit unless you plan to keep your hands on your hips at all times.
Unless you want people to think you bought a shirt that says "anal" on the back, everyone has their own style preferences.
26. Very "Soxy"
When you forgot to get a pedicure, so you need something to disguise your feet, these socks are perfect for your feet.
We wonder what the original intention of these socks was.
27. Supposed To Be Supreme
When people try to make knock-offs of expensive brands, and then they spell the brand name wrong.
They got some of the letters correct, but we don't know many people who would go around wearing a shirt that says, "sperm."
28. What Were They Trying To Write?
It seems like someone was using voice to text when they designed this shirt. It is unclear what the shirt was supposed to say or even the idea behind it.
Maybe it is a secret code language, and we aren't supposed to get it.
29. Hoof Shoes
Western fashion is on-trend right now, and this person took that idea to the next level. Instead of wearing cow print, they decided to wear cow hoofs.
These don't look very comfortable, and they look like they are supposed to be part of an animal costume.
30. Ghostly
From far away the "ghosts" look a lot like sperm cartoons. This would go perfectly with the knockoff Supreme shirt.
we know they are supposed to be ghosts from the item description, but you might get some funny looks if you where this around.
31. Japanese Flag Jeans
Although these pants are supposed to be the Japanese flag, the placement of the red circle is questionable.
If the item description didn't say that it was the Japanese flag, someone might see these online and assume the model bled through her white jeans.
32. The National Aeronsmith And Space
NASA stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, so what was this brand trying to write. Maybe they had the band Aerosmith in mind.
Also, whatever they were trying to write doesn't spell NASA, just NAS. Those astronauts would be disappointed.
33. When You Don't Know The Meaning Of A Word
Have you ever been to a foreign country, and there are shirts with random words or sayings in English that don't make sense? This is a perfect example of that.
We are still trying to figure out how Autism, the Big Ben, sportscars, and pocket watches connect. If you understand, please tell us.
34. Black and Yellow
According to his shirt, real men wear black, but he is wearing yellow, so what message is he trying to convey.
He must be a fake man because he is wearing yellow instead of black.
35. When The Coloring Is Off
Does this man know that the coloring of his pants makes it look like he had an accident? He must know and not care.
Why would they choose tho make the butt area a different color instead of keeping the pants one color?
36. Fashion Evolution
Over the years, denim shorts have been getting shorter, and now they are so short, it is just a waistband.
Do you wear this over your jeans as a belt, or do you wear it with other pants to give a denim effect?
37. Three Of A Kind
The message here is that everyone is unique and one of a kind, but they chose to put three identical butterflies on the shirt.
Maybe they are saying people can look the same but be unique in personality.
38. A Holy Shirt
Do you know those plastic rings that hold a pack of soda cans together? This is what it would look like if someone made a shirt out of them.
We would also like to meet the people that paid $2850 to get a shirt that requires you to buy another shirt to go under it.
39. When You Have 4 Arms And 2 Heads
Have you ever wondered what kind of winter jack Catdog would wear? We found it!
For all those two-headed four-armed creatures out there, you finally have a coat to warm up with in the winter.